Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Theo!

From Meredith Jane 31-33 Months

Happy Birthday, Theodore! I hope you had a great day! I'm glad we all got to go to the zoo and take a ride on the train. I know I had a lot of fun! I can't wait for you to get older so we can play together more!


From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

This birthday thing is quite a good deal! Did you know I get presents for my birthday?

From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

VROOM! Here I am practicing my tractor sounds!

From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

Now on to more serious things, like reading books!

Don't worry about the presents, Dad

From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

Don't worry about the presents you got me for my birthday. Just let me play with the lid to the vegetable steamer. I seem to like it a lot :D

My First Birthday!

From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

I turned one year old yesterday. Mama, Daddy, Meredith, and I celebrated with an angel food cake. I couldn't wait to get my hands on a piece. Why don't we just have Mama give me the whole thing? That sure would be simpler, I think.

From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

But now what do I do? Hmmm... I'll start by just picking at it. It is awfully soft and fluffy.

From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

Wait, this thing is food?? YAY!

From Theodore Elial 1st Birthday

You may have cut me just one piece instead of giving me the whole thing, but that won't stop me from trying to eat it all at once!

We've been busy!

From Easter 2010

I'll apologize for my Mama, Daddy, and Meredith. We've been busy and haven't been keeping you all updated with what is going on with the family!

Let's see... we celebrated Easter, went to our first midwife appointment for the baby, bought a van so we all fit in one vehicle... and something else... hmm... Wait, I've got it, I think! I had my first birthday!

From Easter 2010

To try and make up for being so late, I thought I'd share one of my Easter eggs with you. Unfortunately I don't actually have it anymore, so you'll have to settle with the picture ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


From Meredith Jane 28-30 Months

Today Mama tried something new with my hair! We braided it! I liked it for a while but just like pony/pig tails I took them out. I just like my hair free flowing what can I say!

From Meredith Jane 28-30 Months

Don't I smile for the camera so well these days?

From Meredith Jane 28-30 Months

Here you can see one of my lovely braids!

From Meredith Jane 28-30 Months

Long hair is sure fun to play with as long as you can take it out! I like hair in my face!