With Meredith's "healthy" build, we sometimes have her do the "chunky monkey" dance. Here she is doing the chunky monkey herself, in the exersaucer. She seems to enjoy these photo shoots more and more, I get to be more of a shutterbug, and you get to see more pictures of Meredith -- so it's a win-win-win for everyone! If you want to see more pictures, check out the latest photos of her dance in the exersaucer I've posted to Meredith's 4-6 months Picasa web album. The link on the right will take you there too.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Do the Chunky Monkey
Posted by
7:18 PM
With Meredith's "healthy" build, we sometimes have her do the "chunky monkey" dance. Here she is doing the chunky monkey herself, in the exersaucer. She seems to enjoy these photo shoots more and more, I get to be more of a shutterbug, and you get to see more pictures of Meredith -- so it's a win-win-win for everyone! If you want to see more pictures, check out the latest photos of her dance in the exersaucer I've posted to Meredith's 4-6 months Picasa web album. The link on the right will take you there too.
Meredith Apologizes
Posted by
7:12 PM
If Meredith scared you with her last huffy-angry post, she wants to be sure to say she's sorry. She didn't mean to get anyone worried; she really is a good girl, honest! Anyway, Meredith has learned this new trick where she scrunches up her face while she makes this huffy sound through her nose (just breathe deeply and quickly through your nose and you'll hear what it sounds like). Mollie and I find it quite comical, but I guess we better not laugh too much or she might think that the behavior is a good thing.
Grrr... can't we all just get along?!
Posted by
Meredith Jane
6:56 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Hey, I'm 6 months old and you need to see more pictures!
Posted by
Meredith Jane
4:15 PM
My Daddy finally posted all of the pictures he took on my six month birthday back on February 16. I've added a new link for you to use over on the right side of the page under the "More Pictures of Meredith" section with the title 6 Month Birthday. Be sure to check out the pictures of the cutest baby in the whole world (no prejudice here)!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
She's big and getting bigger
Posted by
3:21 PM
Meredith and Mollie went to the pediatrician yesterday for a 6 month checkup. The appointment included a few vaccinations that of course made Meredith quite angry, but besides the pricks an pokes, she's healthy! The pediatrician believes that Meredith's top teeth will be starting to break through soon and was surprised with how well she was able to sit up and "talk."
Of course the news that everyone wants to know ... She is 17 pounds and 26 inches long. Mollie and I estimate that those measurements put her at about the 75th percentile in weight and height -- so she's somewhat a chunky monkey, but there's still 1 in 4 of all babies bigger than her. ;)
Monday, February 18, 2008
Daddy, make sure you get my good side!
Posted by
Meredith Jane
3:15 PM
Daddy went on a picture taking spree the other day. Mommy and Daddy said that it is because I am six months old. I can't count (but I can use contractions), so I don't really know what six is. I just know that I like my Mommy and sometimes my Daddy. I also know that when Daddy takes pictures of me, I want him to be sure and get my good side. I wouldn't want everyone on the Internet to get the idea that I'm not cute!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
6 Months
Posted by
8:07 AM
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Mommy, would you be my Valentine?
Posted by
Meredith Jane
6:51 PM
I love my Mommy and I want her to be my Valentine! I know that tomorrow is really Valentine's Day, but Daddy said something about how he needed to help me post the picture and that if we waited until tomorrow night it might be too late -- so I guess I'll just post tonight.
I really love my Mommy; she's pretty much the only one that can make me happy. I'm so glad she can feed me, play with me, and give me all the love in the world. I only hope that I can love her as much as I grow up as she loves me.
So here's to the bestest Mommy in the whole entire world!
I like apples, pears, yams, beans, and maybe bananas...
Posted by
Meredith Jane
6:41 PM
My Mommy has been busy making me all kinds of this stuff she calls "solid food." I'm not quite sure what that really means yet, but what I do know is that I really like it. Not that long ago I wrote about how they finally started feeding me so this is more of an update of how things have been going.
Some days I can't eat enough and other days I would just rather have my Mommy's milk, but on the whole I like my food. Mommy tried to give me bananas one night except I didn't really like them. She's not too sure if I was just cranky or if I didn't like the taste, so I guess I may have to try them again sometime.
What's next on my plate? Well, I'm glad you asked. Mommy just bought this thing that looks like a giant acorn, she calls it acorn squash or something like that. I just hope that it is as yummy as everything else I've eaten -- including my spoon!
Visit from Grandma and Grandpa
Posted by
6:19 PM
This weekend my parents came to town to visit with Mollie, Gilligan, Gwen and me -- and of course Meredith! Depending on who you ask, that order might be more in reverse... but that's okay.
We all took Meredith out to the San Antonio zoo, then later to Castroville to see a state historic site and quilt show, and of course downtown to the Riverwalk. Meredith had a great time, even if a good portion of it included screaming. We think she may be teething again because she is drooling up a storm (or river depending on how you look at it) and has been cranky for a while.
Meredith, the Mommy's girl, even let Grandma and Grandpa hold her for a little while; at least long enough to take a picture.
Coming up soon here this Monday is Meredith's 6 month checkup with the pediatrician -- should be exiting!
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