Just recently Meredith has really started "talking"! Her only intelligible word is dog or doggie but she has lots of words she and we know what she is saying! She says there/here you go, thank you, Mama, Daddy, uh oh(this one is also very easy to understand), baby, and boo. I am sure I am missing a few. These are on top of the signs she does. She signs mama, daddy, milk, baby (her only word she says and signs), please, ball, finished and bye bye. She also has her own signs for being wet (still working on actually getting to the potty before we have an accident), shakes her head for no and all done.
I am very excited to have her talking and communicating! I am finding that every day is an adventure in communication. She understands more and more all the time! What a fun time in Meredith's life!