Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day (and no more days)!

From Meredith Jane 5 Years
When Mama's away for the last day, we all love on our Daddy! The kiddos even let me take pictures of us together!

From Theodore 4 Years
Even my mini-me loves on Daddy and lets me dress him in a nice shirt for Sunday! I think he liked the idea of looking like his Daddy. :)

From Emmaline Ruth 2 years
I even let the littlest one choose what she wears ;)

From Emmaline Ruth 2 years
Just as long as she keeps giving me loves :D


aunt jennifer said...

love love love.

Mom/Grandma said...

I'm with Jennifer---really love these shots. Am wondering if we should be worried as it looks like Emmaline is already closing her eyes when she kisses?!?!?!