Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I HATE tummy time! I finally succeeded in rolling off of my darn tummy! Mama had just about given up on me ever learning to roll from my tummy to my back at least she concluded I would learn to roll from back to tummy first (like my friend Ryan). But last night daddy put my on my tummy and I was already mad. I decided that I had ENOUGH of the tummy so I just pushed hard with my right hand. Sure enough onto my back I went Mama and Daddy clapped and got all excited which made Gilligan excited and he came and stepped on me HOW RUDE! Again Mommy and Daddy put my on my tummy well by now I'm a pro(granted it was just the second time) and I rolled over again. Every time now that i am put on my tummy i have rolled over. I have stayed on my tummy for a little bit. If I try really hard I may get my legs under me one of these days and then there will be no stopping me!! I can't wait to be able to move where i want to go! (we will see if mommy can't get a picture mid roll this afternoon!)

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