Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Guys?? Don't forget about me!

From Theodore Elial 13-15 Months

I'm still here too! The last time you saw me, I was getting my hair cut. I didn't like it much, but I got over it quickly.

I'm officially a toddler. I don't need any help getting around anymore. If I want to get somewhere, well, get out of my way, because I'm already on my way! I'm even able to get up and down stairs all by myself!

I'm also learning all kinds of new signs. I am starting to learn animals -- like gorilla, lion, cat, and bird. I'm watching the color signs show with Meredith, but I haven't really started signing those yet. I'm even starting to speak some words. Words like throw, ball, truck, dog, wow, and of course Mama!


Aunt Jennifer said...

we could never forget about you mr t! glad you are doing good & learnin' lots o stuff! =)

love ya oodles!

Grandma Stavenger said...

You keep getting better looking....won't forget you!!