Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Time Travel

From Theodore Elial 18-24 months

When did this happen? I don't remember seeing Grandma and Papa and taking a picture next to a doghouse? Meredith just seemed confused with this picture. What do you think?

From Theodore Elial 18-24 months

Here we go again... It is Meredith and me with Grandma and Papa. But I don't recognize the couch?

Daddy says that these are really pictures of Grandma and Papa with Aunt Becky and him. I'm not sure I believe him.

P.S. -- Thank you, Aunt Jennifer, for sending the pictures!

1 comment:

Grandma Stavenger said...

Time warp might be more accurate! Perhaps if it is Meredith and Theo, then Gamma and Papa aren't as old as we think we are?!?!?! If they still recognize us, maybe it isn't too bad!