Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Crawling is for the Birds

So you may have heard that I've taken to crawling like a fish takes to water... as in I'm all over the place! I'm getting close to crawling on my hands and knees, but I mostly army crawl. It gets me where I want to go and gets me there pretty quickly too!

I thought I would let you know that I'm starting to think about other higher-level things now too!

From Emmaline Ruth

With a little assistance from Mama or Daddy, I'm learning to walk! I don't know how to stand yet, but hey, I'm not going to let that stop me! Here I am practicing walking while Meredith and Theodore were talking to Aunt Jennifer on the computer.

From Emmaline Ruth

I'm not one to try only one thing at a time, so I thought I'd give cruising a whirl too. So far, so good! Now I just need to learn how to pull up on things...


Grandma Stavenger said...

You keep getting cuter and cuter!!

Aunt Jennifer said...

I saw you walkin' with your Mama's help when I was talking to you siblings... I also saw you scoot really fast across the floor! Too bad you don't have stairs that you could scoot down on your behind! Its a lot of fun. :)