Meredith and i have found a new way for Meredith to not have as many crying fits. A sling! Meredith can either be sitting up in it to see the world or she can nestle down in it and take a nap. She enjoys taking naps in there and mom enjoys her taking the naps.
Meredith used it when we went to the doctor for her two month check up. it was great until the doctor had to do her checking up on her and I had to wake her up. One thing that i have learned is that when Meredith is sleeping leave her where ever she falls. She wakes up like her Aunt Katie. She will scream until the next time you succeed in putting her to sleep.
Meredith's stats now are 10 lbs and 15 OZ. 22 and 1/4 inches long and 15 and 3/4 in head. all measuring in the 50 percentile! so her body has caught up with her head and she is getting bigger!
Pictured is Meredith snuggled down in the sling and me and the sling.
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