Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Quite Right....

...But I did it myself! I have found the joy of zippers! I love to play with anyone who has a zipper on. Yesterday, when Mama came to get me from the church nursery. I did not want to go with her because I had made a new friend with a grandma who had a zipper on. Today, I took my coat which Mama had left zipped up on the couch and put it on myself. Can you tell that I am proud? Mama had to help me once I wanted it off. I could not quite figure out how to get my arms in the right place... hmm maybe you can help me out?!


Aunt Jennifer said...

zippers are fun!!! have you discovered velcro? that's fun too!!! =] love you bunches.

Becky said...

Meredith you are just too cute for words!