Friday, May 15, 2009

Bath time!

From Theodore Elial 0-3 Months

For a while now I've seen how my big sister gets to take a bath every night in this big white thing my Mama and Daddy call a bathtub. She has a blast! She gets to play with toys and splash and color on the bathtub. I can't wait until I get to do that!

My Mama says that I need to wait a little while longer before I get to be a big boy and take a bath in the bathtub, but who needs a big bathtub that I would have to share with my sister? I get my own bathtub that is just the right size!

Here I am getting all clean and ready for bed. I feel fresh and ready for a meal.

Talk to you later!


Aunt Jennifer said...

your big sister gets to color the bathtub???? how fun is that?! baths are lots of fun... especially when you can splash & make a mess with the water! =)

love you tons!

Grandma Stavenger said...

You are growing and changing already! Can't wait to meet you in person!! Love to you and your big sister.....oh yes, and your mom and dad, too!

Mandie said...


Unknown said...

I love the look on his face....