Thursday, May 21, 2009

Growing Like a Weed

I still may be little compared to my big sister, but I am getting there so Meredith better watch out!! I went to the doctor the other day and they took all these measurements. Here are the stats:

weight: 9 lbs 5 oz (75%-95%)
height: 21.5 inches (75%-95%)
head circumference: 14 cm (25%-50%)

Mama and Daddy are sure proud of my weight gain and growing abilities! I have gained a pound and a half and grown 1.5 inches since I was born! My head size may take after my Mama's side of the family. Mama looked back on Meredith's growth during this same time span and she gained a little less and grew a little less but her head was MUCH bigger.


Anonymous said...

you'll catch up to your big sis in no time!

love you bunches!

Grandma Stavenger said...

You started out bigger than your sister, but are well on your way to catching up!! Love you!!!