Friday, August 31, 2007

Daddy Does Diapers

I have never doubted that Timothy would be a good father. What I did not expect was how willing he would be to do everything that needs to be done for her including changing her diapers. He is a pro! This morning when i finished her 4:30am feeding and Meredith would not go back to sleep it was daddy that got up changed her diaper and then got ready to go to work. I enjoy when timothy comes home from work to spend his time with Meredith. He does baby exercises with her. Moving her arms and legs and just in general loving on her. We like for her to try to stay awake in the evenings so that she will sleep at night. so far so good. I am getting sleep at 31/2-4 hours at a time. it sure helps my sanity. I do not nap much during the day so it is good to be getting sleep at night!