Saturday, August 25, 2007

Peaceful Sleep

Sometimes the only way that Meredith will sleep is if she is laying on me. I believe she still has yet to fall asleep on Timothy but you will have to ask him that one. One of favorite pictures thus far is where she has fallen asleep after a feeding and she looks like she is praying. In the background of the picture you can see the billiblanket light. It is a blue green in color and gives off UV rays that help break down the billirubin in Meredith's blood to help her get rid of it. We were only on the biliblanket for about 24 hours. Right now we are on prescribed outside time where we sit in the shade to get more UV rays. It is really hot though during these outside times. luckily since it is best for Meredith to be stripped down to her diaper so we do not get to warm.

1 comment:

Becky said...

This shot is just precious! She is beautiful and it breaks my heart that we won't see her until October!