Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

From Meredith Jane 16 - 18 Months

Yesterday was a great day! Can you guess what happened? My Mama and Daddy say that even though I may have been angry at Santa Claus, by some miracle he didn't put me on the naughty list! That means I got presents from Santa! Maybe next year I won't be so angry at him.

I also got presents from many other people I love! Thank you all very much! I loved to try on my new clothes and play with my new toys.

I hope everyone else had a great Christmas too!


Grandma Stavenger said...

Merry Christmas to you, too, sweetheart!! Hugs and kisses, too!

Becky said...

Miss Meredith, I can't wait to see you next week!!!!