Saturday, December 20, 2008

You took me to see this guy ... again?!

From Meredith Jane 13-15 Months

I may have fallen for this trick once last year, but I'm much older and wiser now. I know your ways and how you think it would be "cute" to see me sitting in the "jolly old man's" lap. I just don't see it.

How can a man be jolly if he's got a long beard and a big red suit on with white furry stuff all over. I mean, really. This is Texas! It's HOT here! On top of that, I can't even see his mouth. How do I know he has one at all?

Last year I was young and naive. This year I'm just young. Even if I'm sitting on my Mama's lap I'm not going to stand for this silliness. Maybe I'll put up with it if you persist over the years.

From Meredith Jane 13-15 Months

Daddy, can you take me home now?


Aunt Jennifer said...

awww sweetie, i'm pretty sure i didn't like santa when i was your age either... trust me, the more you see him, the older you get, the friendlier he is & the less likely you will be to not like him... after all, he does bring presents on christmas, so... what's not to like? =P

love you!

Becky said...

Meredith, I love you & can't wait to see you in 1 1/2 weeks!