Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa Claus

From Theodore Elial 7-9 Months

Yesterday we went to see this guy in a big red suit. It looks more like pajamas to me, but that's okay. He seemed to like holding me, and boy was I interested in him!

Now for my big sister, Meredith, that was a different story. She didn't want to see him at all. When Mama told her earlier in the week that we would be going to see Santa Claus, she just responded, "No." From what I overheard my Mama and Daddy saying, she did better this year than last, though. But she still didn't want to be held by Santa.

Mama, do you think I can pull on Santa's long white beard like I pull on your hair?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmm theo i wouldn't reccommend pulling on santa's beard. that would hurt santa. =(

love you ooooooooooooooodles.