Saturday, August 8, 2009

Catch and Release!

This post will be more of a flip book :)

Like my lil' bro said earlier, we went to the zoo today. It was a blast! We got to see all kinds of cool animals. I especially liked seeing the monkeys. One mama monkey had a baby that clung onto its Mama kind of like Theo is strapped onto Mama in the sling.

I even got to go fishing. Here I am learning the essentials of "catch and release." My Daddy says I just need to learn to be a little more gentle with the fish. Something about not throwing them headlong back into water... but it makes such a great splash?!

Fishing with Mama... must be patient!
From Meredith Jane 22-24 Months

I once caught a fish THIS BIG!
From Meredith Jane 22-24 Months

While it may look like I'm being gentle with the fish, just wait...
From Meredith Jane 22-24 Months

And release!! :D
From Meredith Jane 22-24 Months

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the splash is a lot of fun, isn't it? and besides, when one goes fishing for real, the fish are icky and gross. =P

love you oodles.