Monday, August 17, 2009


From Meredith Jane 22-24 Months
I wanted to make sure everyone knew how big I am!!
Height~36 inches (that right 3 FT tall!!)- above 95 percentile
Weight~27 lbs and 12 oz. - 75 percentile
Head circumference~HUGE--no really Mama did not see the measurement but it is off the charts!

My doctor says I am growing fine and developing just right! She says I will be a tall girl! If you believe the superstition of doubling 2 year old height I will be 72 inches as an adult! That puts me at about 6 feet tall! Look out Daddy, here I come!

1 comment:

Grandma Stavenger said...

Your daddy more than doubled his two year height, but his two sisters, though they came close, did not. So.....regardless of whether or not you double your height, you will be tall!! You're growing up SO fast.....wish we were closer to see you more often!!

Love you!!!