Sunday, August 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Meredith!

From Meredith Jane 2nd Birthday

I can't believe that two years ago today Meredith was born! Life has changed to much for us since that day. We are fully enjoying toddler-hood with Meredith. As a stay at home parent I am privileged to see her ever growing and ever changing. It has been so much fun to see her go from a crabby baby to her happy little self. Right now she is some where between a little girl and a toddler. I sometimes have to do a double take to make sure she is my baby because she is growing up so fast. This year has brought on a lot of changes. She has gone from wearing diapers to wearing panties. She has gone from sleeping in a crib to sleeping in a big girl bed. She has gone from sitting in a high chair to a booster seat, back to the high chair in hopes of getting her to eat more. We have had two big trips with Meredith this past year. I am so excited to have been able to expose her to more then just Texas. I also love that she has such a love of being outside in nature.

I hope to be able to have her experiance snow or colder weather soon so that she will recognize mittens more then just pictures in some of her books. Having Meredith has made me realize that I want to be a better person not only for me but for our family. I can't wait to see what this next year brings us!

Stay tuned for a post tomorrow of her latest stats as we visit the pediatrician tomorrow.

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